anti-prose. random matter.
crimson's Articles » Page 31
February 10, 2004 by crimson
So, I play basketball with this group of women. We range in age from about 20 to 38 or so. There is a basic group of girls that are in their mid twenties, and another group of girls that are in their mid thirties. Unfortunately, I fall into the latter category, and there are some big differences between us. No, it's not in the game. We play just as hard and fast as the young'uns do, but our recouperation time is sadly a bit longer. Often, after a game, the girls arrange for a night out at the ...
February 10, 2004 by crimson
C.H.U.D. This movie was awful, but the title rocked. The letters in the the title stood for Cannibalistic Humaniod Underground Dwellers. Cheesy latex-faced monsters lived beneath the city; creating distruction and mayhem. Great idea, poor storytelling and effects. It had little going for it, but I stand by my first sentence. Popeye The worst thing about the movie is that it was just too damned long. With Robin Williams in the title role, and Shelley Duvall possessing an eerily likel...
February 9, 2004 by crimson
Canada has a weird promotional system going. Be it music, television or books, there is no release of a Canadian work that doesn't seem to have a Made In Canada stamp on it somewhere. Maybe this is because of the Canadian Content regulations in television and radio, but I think it's the same for books as well See, I have very clear memories of knowing exactly when I was reading a Canadian novel. I think my first introduction to a Canadian author came at a young age. He wrote children's books....
February 9, 2004 by crimson
I'm lucky there is no such thing as Late Fee Police, or I'd be on the Most Wanted List, for sure. However, I still owe Blockbuster a fair amount of money, so I've been avoiding that place for the last little while. I owe Ted's Video a shitload of money but they still let me rent there. (Probably because I spend at least 20 bucks a month there, and have been doing so for the past year or so. And that's just a guestimate, there are times when I know that I've spent over 20 bucks in one week. Any...
February 9, 2004 by crimson
There are some people that are very comfortable with their bodies. There are some people that are very secure in their sexuality. And, there are some people who won't hesitate in letting others know about it. If this is starting to sound like a rant, rest assured, it isn't. If anything, it is an applaud for those people who have the guts to really talk about their needs, wants, and desires instead of pretending that some things are better off unsaid and that anything that involves sexuality mus...
February 8, 2004 by crimson
It's been almost 2 months since Christmas. Judging from the toys around the house, the most popular toys still seem to be the ones obtained from McDonald's Happy Meals. Seriously. My six year old got totally spoiled from me, my parents and everyone else who knows her. On top of this, her birthday was also 10 days before Christmas. Sure, the Barbie dolls are in continual rotation, but that's really all that she plays with on a constant basis. Okay, maybe it's my fault that her big present fr...
February 8, 2004 by crimson
I've mentioned before that I don't get TV at home. It's been a personal decision, based mostly on the idea that I hated being addicted to useless, mind-numbing TV shows; thinking that these programs added some relevant meaning to my life. So, I bowed out. It's been almost a year since I had access at home, and the only shows I really miss are That 70's Show, and old episodes of Drew Carey. I don't miss getting the news on a day to day basis; I've found that newspapers and internet provide the ne...
February 6, 2004 by crimson
Awhile ago I wrote about trying to curb my wanton behavior. For 4 successive Thursdays I managed to get a sitter to go out with friends. Last night was no different. Or was it? I went to see Danny Michel in concert, and Danny was great as always. One of the negative comments about seeing Danny live is that there are too many young girls (ie: fresh out of high school) that fawn over him. This does not bother me. Not being that young, I don't feel part of...
February 4, 2004 by crimson
It wasn't really an issue when I first started blogging, but now, as I've tenatively branched out a bit from my safe entertainment-only environment, I find myself rewriting sentences quite often. Firstly, after hitting the political discussions, I've strived to find better words to use, and have made the attempt at citing resources (although later abandoning the idea entirely). Next, after getting used to seeing familiar names on the screen and getting used to reading their work, I've fought ag...
February 3, 2004 by crimson
Ever wake up with weird songs in your head, songs you haven't heard in decades? It's as if you've just heard it on the radio, clear as day. Lately, in no particular order, I've wakened (awoke? woke? waked? whatever ) to tunes by Simon and Garfunkel, Barry Manilow, The BayCityRollers, and Creedence Clearwater Revival. But, not to say that my unconscious mind is hooked on the '70's, but I've also heard tunes from the 50's, big band era, and even Thomas Dolby's 'She's Blinded Me With Science' ci...
February 2, 2004 by crimson
1. Letting your kid wipe down walls with a Magic Eraser is not exactly the same as having your kid do the really bad chores around the house, like scrubbing the toilet, cleaning out science experiments from the fridge or starting up the car for you in -30 weather so it can defrost. Some things really just aren't done. 2. Toys get smaller, and have tend to have many more tiny pieces to them as the kids get older, and they don't clean up on their own. 3. You can't just live on pizza and beer...
February 2, 2004 by crimson
1. Unexpected moments of humour. You really never know what they are going to say. Or do. Or care if they are in public or not when they do or say it. 2. Movie choices. Would you have seen Spy Kids 1, 2, and 3 on your own? 3. When facing them with the comment, 'I do everything for you, I cook, clean, buy the groceries, etc., the least you can do is get me my shoes from the closet', chances are, they will do it. 4. You get to buy snack foods like twinkies, and blame it on your kid's ...
February 1, 2004 by crimson
Yes, today is the day. Lots of beer, cheers, groans and moans are in order for today. There will be a lot of die-hard fans for both programs, but what I am really dying to watch is Survivor. As posted earlier in I Want My TV, Please. I don't have access to TV at home. If I feel like watching, I might go to my parents' place, catch a game at the local pub, or visit my sister. None of these options are available to me tonight. So, I'm really disappointed not to be able to see the series opener bu...
January 31, 2004 by crimson
It's January 31st. In a few short hours, I will be able to reflect upon last month and realize all the resolutions that I had made a month ago were severely neglected. Ignored. Shunned. So, I don't know if there is actually any point in trying to hop on a wagon that left the area such a long time ago, but I feel that I should start making a few improvements in my life. After all June is only five months away. Huh? Yeah, I know. I don't know how shallow this is, but this year, I want to feel...
January 31, 2004 by crimson
I was in a hurry this evening. I've got a big night planned; babysitting my 3 year-old neice overnight. Now, my daughter and I aren't really the stay-at-home type. We are usually on the move; having breakfast at the local coffee shop, catching a movie, hanging out downtown. We buy groceries occasionally but are usually on the verge of running out of important items when we need them. So, instead of doing a leisurely grocery shopping spree, I sped to the local gas bar/convenience store. Filled ...