anti-prose. random matter.
crimson's Articles In Books
September 16, 2005 by crimson
I caught this on another blog, on another site. Rules are BOLD the titles you've read, Underline the ones you still want to read, leave unread ones alone. Oh, and add a comment on the bottom of your list. #1 The Bible #2 Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain #3 Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes #4 The Koran #5 Arabian Nights #6 Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain #7 Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift #8 Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer #9 Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne #10 Leaves of...
May 19, 2004 by crimson
It's always intrigued me how people come to consider a specific type of writing 'their favorite'. Is it all learned from endless booklists provided from their alma mater? Do they check 'the' top ten list of favorite books and pick the second least pretentious-sounding title or author to hold close to their heart? How many people could spend days in the public library exhalting in that special scent of paper and ink? How many others purchase books specifically because the color of the jacke...
March 13, 2004 by crimson
Kole is six. She's a smart six-year old, but hasn't quite mastered the art of reading. She's got the love for listening to stories, but it's getting more difficult to to find books that are just right for her. Any book that reflects her current aptitude for reading is too 'babyish', and any book with the kind of storyline that she's interested is just too damned long. We've tried our hand at Harry Potter, Lemony Snicket, and other books with more of a plotline, and she can listen well too them...
February 9, 2004 by crimson
Canada has a weird promotional system going. Be it music, television or books, there is no release of a Canadian work that doesn't seem to have a Made In Canada stamp on it somewhere. Maybe this is because of the Canadian Content regulations in television and radio, but I think it's the same for books as well See, I have very clear memories of knowing exactly when I was reading a Canadian novel. I think my first introduction to a Canadian author came at a young age. He wrote children's books....
January 15, 2004 by crimson
I'm currently reading Phillip K. Dick's The World That Jones Made , and so far, so good. My concern at the moment is realizing how often his works of fiction tend to get made into movies, and if this one is optioned, that they'd better do a damned good job. It is a problem for some fans of certain authors whose books tend to get transferred into film. To date, I don't think that I've seen a movie based on a Stephen King book that I've liked better than the book. Stand By Me, based on 'The Bo...
December 29, 2003 by crimson
My father showed me a new book he bought. The latest by Jack Whyte. I don't know the title, and to be honest, I don't wanna know. They say his books are just up my alley. Fantasy stuff involving quests, knights, and magicians. I refuse to even look at the book description. I'm already caught up in Stephen King's Dark Tower series. I've been reading his books for years. There's still 2 books left to read, and thankfully, I heard that they are pretty much complete. Rough draft anyway. I'm sorry...
December 26, 2003 by crimson
Lucky me, I also got the latest Gunslinger book by Stephen King for Christmas. I've had little sleep due to the fact that I've been enthralled to be back in Roland of Gilead's world again. If you haven't read the books yet, check them out. They're pretty good. However, I don't know if it's just because I read Tolkien's The Return of The King the other week, but SK's Gunslinger series does bear striking similarities to the former's trilogy. I could tick off these similarities one by one but I...