anti-prose. random matter.
crimson's Articles In Sports & Leisure
March 30, 2004 by crimson
Another hard night on the court. With a team that has been playing together for almost 2 years, and a member's subscription to the Raptor's channel leading to trying out new plays, and holding weekly drills concentrating on passing and shooting skills our team is going full-throttle. My own personal excercise plan has included 3x weekly walk-run-walks and nightly stretch sessions so it was only a matter of time before I started to see some improvement. My game is better, definitely. My p...
March 2, 2004 by crimson
I'm not going to kid myself by trying to think that I'm some great athelete. I play b-ball once a week in the winters, two - three times a week in the summer and that's mostly it. Yeah, once in awhile I start up on weight training for a couple of weeks, but I find that to be pretty boring stuff. I swim daily in the summer, but it's not as aerobically-intense (considering I'm a big fan of the run in, get wet, run back out and tan- style swimmer.) So, a couple of days ago, I started running....
February 10, 2004 by crimson
So, I play basketball with this group of women. We range in age from about 20 to 38 or so. There is a basic group of girls that are in their mid twenties, and another group of girls that are in their mid thirties. Unfortunately, I fall into the latter category, and there are some big differences between us. No, it's not in the game. We play just as hard and fast as the young'uns do, but our recouperation time is sadly a bit longer. Often, after a game, the girls arrange for a night out at the ...