anti-prose. random matter.
and bruises
Published on February 10, 2004 By crimson In Sports & Leisure
So, I play basketball with this group of women. We range in age from about 20 to 38 or so. There is a basic group of girls that are in their mid twenties, and another group of girls that are in their mid thirties. Unfortunately, I fall into the latter category, and there are some big differences between us.
No, it's not in the game. We play just as hard and fast as the young'uns do, but our recouperation time is sadly a bit longer. Often, after a game, the girls arrange for a night out at the local pub, but it is surprising how most of us older broads bow out. I'm kidding, really. There doesn't seem to be much of an age gap at all, when you get right down to it. I think I'm just complaining because I am clutzy. I got beaned in the jaw with a hard pass, and ever since then, I've been feeling out of sorts.
The best thing about the game is the lack of a hardcore organization system. We meet at a high school gym, play hard for half an hour and that's about it. To fund our court fees, we hold quarterly night events with DJ's and bands, but that's about it. We have a free-floating system. Whoever shows up depends on the style of game. Sometimes we only have about six to eight people show up. Then it's half-court with subs. I hate half court games simply because it's a hell of a lot of running. Usually though, our games are pretty big, with about 14 of us showing for a full court session. Before we got pinnies, we would just choose teams on basis of what we were wearing. Shorts vs Sweatpants, no sleeves vs tees, long hair vs short hair, or just color combinations of either hair or clothing.The pinnies help now, because it was getting a bit disorganized once the games started getting big.
So, I've been out of the game for about a month. Parent-teacher meetings, snowstorms and such were my excuse, but I've stopped slacking and have started playing hard once again. Since joining the group two years ago, I only missed a handful of games. After taking a month off, I feel the pain.
I am going to continue to play, but have decided to start going to the gym more. Summer is coming up, and we progress from just one night to 3 sometimes 4 games a week. That's when it starts to get hardcore.
on Feb 10, 2004
USE PARAGRAPHS!!! I would love to read your stuff, but I can't stand it when people write like this.....


on Feb 10, 2004
I'm not sure I understand what the court fees business is all about. Do you have to pay to play at the gym?
on Feb 11, 2004
Yeah, we pay to use the school gym at nights. (when we held our first fundraiser, everyone thought that our 'court fees' was some sort of legal problem. I could just picture them picturing our basketball team involved in something highly illegal and getting caught for it!)