there's a downside to everything
1. Letting your kid wipe down walls with a Magic Eraser is not exactly the same as having your kid do the really bad chores around the house, like scrubbing the toilet, cleaning out science experiments from the fridge or starting up the car for you in -30 weather so it can defrost. Some things really just aren't done.
2. Toys get smaller, and have tend to have many more tiny pieces to them as the kids get older, and they don't clean up on their own.
3. You can't just live on pizza and beer anymore. You actually have to grocery shop once in a while.
4. Kids are expensive. I was broke as a student. I'm even worse off (financially) now.
5. Once they learn how to talk, they begin to learn how to talk back.
6. You say things you said you'd never say. I hear my mother's voice in a lot of the things I find myself saying to my kid even though I swore I'd never say those words.
7. It's difficult to watch what you want to watch on TV when they are around. Suddenly you are the most wanted person around.
8. There are a reason why purses were invented. B.K. (Before Kid) I used to carry a wallet in the back of my jeans. Now, I do have to have room to keep all the stuff she doesn't want to carry.
9. Unwanted sounds. Whining just wasn't a part of my auditory experience B.K. If I ever heard anything resembling it, it was usually in a grocery store. I'd feel sorry for the parent, but know that I had the pleasure of being able to just walk away.
10. Yeah, I could go on past 10. But really, even when it's bad. It's good. If you know what I mean.