anti-prose. random matter.
maybe buying Christmas presents was a bad idea
Published on February 8, 2004 By crimson In Home & Family
It's been almost 2 months since Christmas. Judging from the toys around the house, the most popular toys still seem to be the ones obtained from McDonald's Happy Meals.
Seriously. My six year old got totally spoiled from me, my parents and everyone else who knows her. On top of this, her birthday was also 10 days before Christmas. Sure, the Barbie dolls are in continual rotation, but that's really all that she plays with on a constant basis.
Okay, maybe it's my fault that her big present from Santa is not played with often, but the Easy Bake oven was not a great idea. Well, it was when she still had both cake and icing packages to work with. Now that there are only oatmeal cookies left to make, I think the motivation has been lost along the way.
Give my girl a pack of crayons and some pink paper and she's a happy girl. Give me a box of blank discs, and I'll find a way to use those by the end of the month. I guess we're simple people. We can be amused with little things and don't need a lot of accessories.
Speaking of accessories, maybe I should get around to putting the Christmas tree decorations away someday. The tree however, I still kind of like where it is.
on Feb 08, 2004
why don't ya post a pic of you n the little one?