anti-prose. random matter.
i rent a hell of a lot of movies
Published on February 9, 2004 By crimson In Movies & TV & Books
I'm lucky there is no such thing as Late Fee Police, or I'd be on the Most Wanted List, for sure. However, I still owe Blockbuster a fair amount of money, so I've been avoiding that place for the last little while.
I owe Ted's Video a shitload of money but they still let me rent there. (Probably because I spend at least 20 bucks a month there, and have been doing so for the past year or so. And that's just a guestimate, there are times when I know that I've spent over 20 bucks in one week. Anyway, my late fee bill as of last week was $185.oo, but if I throw them an extra 5 bucks here and there, they seem to be cool.)
Anyhow. Because I got a new DVD player for Christmas, I've been fairly eclectic in my choices of late. In no particular order, I've seen Set It Off, Bring It On, X-Men2, Fight Club, Apt Pupil, and a whole shitload of kids movies. I'm in the middle of Underworld right now, and will be seeing The Usual Suspects later on. In general, I tend to like action/sci-fi movies the best, with Westerns being pretty low on my list of preferences.

I also own a lot of movies, and Kole and I (my girl) tend to watch things over and over. One of our best games is quoting lines back and forth. (She and I can sing the whole Moulin Rouge Song-'Elephant Love Medley' a capella; she doing Satine's verses, me doing Christian's. [and yes, I know what Moulin Rouge is all about; she on the other hand does not. She thinks the setting is at the circus]) We also know a lot of lines from all the Star Wars movies, not to mention lines from Back to The Future.

Who can ever forget how much power is needed to get Marty Back to The Future? "1.21 gigawatts!" Or what does Han Solo say to Leia after she tells him she loves him in The Empire Strikes Back? "I know."
There are millions of lines that I love from the movies. And there are a million of movies that I'd still love to see. So when I mentioned that I didn't have TV in previous blogs, I'm not at a total loss for viewing material.
Not at all. So given the choice of spending cash on cable, or picking what I want to watch when I want to watch it, I think I'll be renting movies for a little while longer.

If the guys at Ted's Video will still let me.
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