anti-prose. random matter.
fighting against them
Published on February 4, 2004 By crimson In Personal Computing
It wasn't really an issue when I first started blogging, but now, as I've tenatively branched out a bit from my safe entertainment-only environment, I find myself rewriting sentences quite often.
Firstly, after hitting the political discussions, I've strived to find better words to use, and have made the attempt at citing resources (although later abandoning the idea entirely). Next, after getting used to seeing familiar names on the screen and getting used to reading their work, I've fought against the idea to better myself on print.
I have yet to tell a lie, that I can recall, but I have noticed an inclination to want to say things that I know aren't really true, or at least, entirely true. I find myself hitting the backspace button more often.
For instance? I think I responded to a post about cleaning, and mentioned that I disliked a few chores but made it my intention to keep a clean bathroom, or something to that idea. True? Yeah, and no. I hate dirty, messy, unorganized bathrooms. I clean it more often than most rooms in my apartment. But, really, what's a tidy bathroom in comparison to an insanely cluttered living room that is littered with barbie dolls, papers, and dvds?
I think, what I am trying to get at is this; blogging is generally anonymous, and completely within my control. I choose to reveal whatever I want to about myself. No one is going to know any better. But what is the point of lying is such a forum? Why bother putting up such a front? I suppose, my inclination for doing so is simple: I'm starting to recognize certain people's work. I know what they expect in responses (ie: quotes, citations, stats and relevancy). Other people who post more freely, I find things that I identify with and don't want to show ignorance, or find myself holding back a bit in fear of insulting/upsetting them. But mostly, though, is the knowledge that joeuser is getting to me. During the day, when not online, someone's comment has gotten me thinking and I feel the need to discuss this with a friend or family member. It helps me to think better, and metally comprise a response later on. The people who listen to me, are getting interested in what I am doing. I haven't given out specific information, but if I do, I know they'll be interested in reading what I have written to date. Is there anything directed at family or friend that I'd be hesitant to show? No, not at all. My articles have been tame and non-specific. In fact, anything that I've mentioned about family or friends I have probably said to them on several occasions. I think, the reason why I feel uneasy about people I know reading what I post on joeuser is the same reason why I feel uncomfortable about anyone reading anything that I have written. To me, the act of writing is a very solitary act. Spilling parts of your life in print tends to make it more final. Even in fiction there is truth to a story. Telling the truth can be difficult by its revealing nature. It's hard to hide when it's all just hanging out there.
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