anti-prose. random matter.
crimson's Articles » Page 8
July 30, 2006 by crimson
At one point today, I felt self-conscious, and it amused me. I was sitting on the beach when it happened. Honestly, there were a group of sixteen year old girls in string bikinis, and a platoon of shiny young boys that gleamed like sparkly treasure. The whole scene was rippling. And they were sitting, and flirting, and just being themselves next to us. And there I was with two kids under the age of 8, and I was doing the Mom thing: handing out PB&J sandwiches and making sure that eve...
July 29, 2006 by crimson
I was listening to a newbie at work complain about how poorly a customer of hers was treated by a previous rep, and I thought that I'd rather eat my head than listen to her rant on. I quite obviously stepped out of hearing range, and * poof * she disappeared. I don't remember what she looks like, I don't know what floor she's on, and if she said something to me in passing again, I wouldn't have the faintest idea who she was. There's something sad there, but I find it hard to muster much more...
July 22, 2006 by crimson
All I do is Create New Article Here, and after about fifteen minutes or so of writing, so much is lifted. I need this like I've never needed anything else. Most of my shit is just boring, old, everyday stuff. Who really wants to know how crappy my day has been, or if I just got a rockin' new haircut? My girl got her shoulder length hair cut into a pixie the other day. Woo hoo, right? But it was a big deal. It was exciting, exhilarating and fun. This morning, I brought her into...
July 19, 2006 by crimson
I don't have my eyes peeled for you when I see your name listed in the forums, or as the author of a new article. If there are 50 responses to an article that I've just read, and you wrote one of them, chances are that I either didn't notice or didn't care. Unless I've literally clicked on an article, wrote a response directly acknowledging your contribution, or exchange emails with you on the sly, I hate to say it, but I'm probably unaware of your prescence. I'm sure I'm not the only o...
July 16, 2006 by crimson
Only one lousy day off this week, and I'm bitter. I might be happier about the three day weekend coming up in a couple of weeks when I'm actually enjoying it, but right now I can't think that far ahead. Instead, I want to stay up late and go see Superman at the drive-in, or walk downtown to Have You Seen? to pick up some old black and white movie that I haven't seen in ages. Nope, it's an early night for me, because I need more than an hour to get ready for work and 6:30 is too damned ear...
July 15, 2006 by crimson
You know, I hate my job as much as the next person, but on days like these, I'm glad that I'm sitting on an adjustable chair with wheels positioned just so under the aircon. I couldn't take working outdoors on a day like today. Believe me, I've been there, though. I recall a long weekend as burning as today, where I worked overtime making endless boxes of greasy fries in a creaky chip truck. I had blackheads all that summer, and could never get the smell of the fryers from my clothing, no...
July 12, 2006 by crimson
It's one of my worst faults, but I'll come right out and state it... I have no pity for the sick. I grin as I admit it, because deep down I do sympathize with those who are seriously ill, or legitimately afflicted, but when it comes to certain people, I just cannot tolerate it. For example, my sister and her little girl always seem to be sick. One's always sniffling, or the other has an ear infection, or a swollen gum or sprained knee.... you get the picture. And yes, I do understand t...
July 11, 2006 by crimson
In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey... -Beck The end of my weekend, a lazy Sunday (but really Tuesday) morning sans coffee. I'm dying for a coffee, by the way. I went to the movies for a record-breaking 2 days in a row, and am seriously considering a third trip. I took Kolio to see Pirates, which was both gross and dreamy, says the child in me. I then saw the Devil Wears Prada with my twin, and it was most excellent. Now everyone may rave about Meryl Streep, but hands down, ...
July 4, 2006 by crimson
I don't know how far back it goes, but I definitely remember the first time that a guy told me he liked me, and I turned around and walked away... deliberately , even though I actually liked him. Of course, I was in grade school back then, but I am 100% positive that someone must have told me that this was the way to handle things. Go into your closest Chapters, Cole's, or Indigo monster store (or whatever it is you have there in your hometown), and I'm sure there's an isle or two devote...
June 29, 2006 by crimson
Why don't they Do what they say, say what they mean One thing leads to another You told me something wrong, I know I listen too long but then one thing leads to another... The Fixx After reading LW's article He's Better Off Dead Link , it just brought up all the stuff that I've been trying to ignore at my place. I live in Native Housing, and for the most part, it's all right. The apartments are clean, it's income adjusted, and they take care of the outdoor work, regardless ...
June 26, 2006 by crimson
Do a little dance, make a little love, Get down tonight. - KC and the Sunshine Band. I'm on familiar terms with both the good and the bad, the right and the wrong, and know exactly when it's time to take the gloves off or just to bite my tongue. I know how to be happy, and I know what makes it all go bad, but sometimes I take the other road anyway... I haven't been out in months, and quite frankly, I'm starving for it. I just want to go to my pub, order a pint of special...
June 20, 2006 by crimson
I bought myself a second hand record player at a yard sale, and since then, I've been spinning some pretty cool music. I also had the opportunity to pick up three cardboard boxes full of random music, and it's an interesting haul. A lot of it is pure shite. I can't believe that somebody in the 50's and 60's shelled out good money for the syrrupy, gooey sounds, that I balk at labelling music. And, there's a lot of people out there who adored Glen Miller. But, I guess, it's the same as list...
June 15, 2006 by crimson
Today is my Monday. In less than an hour, I'll be gearing up for another 8 hours of speaking to Americans about their cellphones, bills, and other daily fuck-ups my company has done to our customers. Oh, Happy Day. I've been using Yahoo's Launchcast lately, and find myself pleased with it. I hate almost everything Yahoo, including their useless Spam program, undeletable 360 blog beta, and continual sign-in prompts. But their music offerings rawk. I hate being a woman, so...
June 14, 2006 by crimson
I've haven't been this broke in a long time. My work check got eaten by rent, and an unexpected necessary payment. Typically, it's not such a hard deal, or a surprise, to not have much left over after paying the bills. But following a rather expensive (for me) holiday, we didn't have much left in the house in the way of food and drink. Earlier, we had a housing review, that required a late spring cleaning. Subsequently, I tossed a lot of older stuff like dried pastas, beans, and unlabe...
June 13, 2006 by crimson
My five most embarassing childhood memories.... all my work to block them.... undone. 1. Any school Picture Day during my primary years. I am a twin. My sister was your typical Native Canadian girl, dark skin, straight, long and jet black hair. She was always organized, neat and tidy. I was the female equivalent to Pig Pen. In the seventies, perms were hot. Not. On. Me. My short and curly hair was always messy with twigs, leaves, and other random objects. Anyway, my mother always...