This year, I swear I'm going to send Christmas cards. Every year before, I've gotten as far as addressing envelopes and writing a short letter but have never finished up by affixing stamps and bringing them to the post office. I've got two or three years worth of unmailed cards in a desk drawer at home. So, this year, I swear I'll actually mail 'em, if you send me an email with your mailing address if you like that sort of thing. May even include a pic of me and my girl! (And, in the...
This morning it snowed. First, tiny flakes that could have changed to rain in an instant. Not so long after, they grew, turned into big, fat, heavy flakes that fell slowly to the ground. For the first time I saw that November gray. Not a shade of blue in the sky, instead, the color of stone. Cold stone that encloses us all in, stone that can make anyone just want to lay down and die. A load of laundry and some dishes done in exchange for a few hours on the computer to catch up on my readin...
Yesterday's work consisted of painting flowers and leaves, videotaping Michael Greyeyes and Santee Smith, and assembling a chandelier. I don't care how pretty chandeliers are to some people, but this cements it; it's the first and last time, baby. Michael asked me if I could run sound, and I had to answer that I didn't know how, but the better answer should have been, "Yes. No problem." I just don't know enough, yet. So many people have been kind enough to show me how, and I know I've ask...
Girls don't fight. They fight differently from boys. Girls fight with their words, not with their fists, etc., etc., etc... Yes, girls can be catty. Backstabbing, gossipy vicious bitches, all of us. But for the most part, it's common knowledge that girls react differently than boys. Why throw a punch when sullying a pristine reputation would work just as well? Why get all bruised up when you can turn everyone against the other person? Me? I struggle constantly with the urge to...
Another day of hardly working... I spent the tail-end of the morning using iMovie to create a DVD of recent peformances, and then it was off to the Theatre to prep the space. First the ugly work, sweeping, washing floors, cleaning dressing rooms. However, all chores after that, weren't chores at all, but excellent learning and laughing opportunities. Michael Greyeyes Link and Santee Smith Link came in this afternoon, after we set the stage and did a little basic lighti...
Chuck me in the shallow water Before I get too deep... Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians I don't know what I am these days. All that past stress about working shifts, arranging childcare, and never getting regular days off is out the window, replaced by an exceptional amount of free time and no real responsibilities. Until January, I am simply on production hours. In about 2 weeks I am going to be insanely busy, with very little free time, but now, I only have 10 hours a week to ...
It all goes downhill, when it becomes difficult to think up a decent title... A rather slow start to the day... I dropped Kole off at school, and watched her walk away. I didn't want her to leave today, though I know how important school is for her. No, instead I wanted to call her back, keep the car, and go to the mall where we could look in the stores together. She's at the age now where stores that sell cheap jewelry and fashions to preteens rock, and while she doesn't wear mak...
Rhymes With Orange... The colors almost knocked me over this morning. Reds, yellows and oh! the oranges. It was overstimulating, and the gray skies only amped up the colors that much more. It was simply the best fall day, when the air is heavy with fog, and the leaves crunch satisfyingly beneath your sneakers. The smell of the earth was so powerful, and only intensified with the slow drizzle that began later in the afternoon. I went out of my way to get a coffee, and it was nice...
Kevin Costner, how much you have done to hang my head. First Dragonfly, but I won't succumb to watching Robin Hood, Prince of Theives, I promise you that much. Guilty pleasures in watching Bull Durham, though. And what were you thinking about, teaming up with Ashton Kutcher? Leon's sent two young bucks to heft an old dryer out of the apartment, and bring in the first new appliance I've ever had. Granted, my sister paid for it. I'm sure, that if she's out of Native Housing before the dryer...
I've been reading books and watching movies lately, and perhaps because of the subject material, or just my own currrent frame of mind, I've had that one question whirling around upstairs. I like to read, but I sure don't like to spend a lot of money on something that I'm going to tear through in an hour or so. I got Out Of Silence at a reuse store: I should have been out 19.99 Cdn, but instead I only had to drop 3.99. I was in a hurry though, and I really didn't spend much time ...
I don't know why I'm so ticked off, because it's happened again, or because I'm still paying attention. Lucas wrote another article proclaiming pain and confusion, and like fleas to monkeys, there's a great hoopola about it all. Now, funnily enough, I'm still clicking links even while being slightly pissed off. It's a car wreck in motion, and I can't help but look. Did you know that, as last count, Joeuser has a total of 7206 registered users? You'd think I'd find somebody or some...
I'm excited because the new season of Lost is about to begin, and while I remember the fine friends here who are still not caught up because of where they live, I won't give any details away, except to say that if any one dies this season, it better not be Sawyer. I'm sad because I probably have to give up the Hulk jacket this year. I took my winter jacket out of storage the other day, and there it is: splotchy, ripped, and just sad looking. I could pay to get a new zipper put in,...
I don't know why I do these things, but I volunteered not only to look after my sister's girl, but a friend's son as well for the day. Duh. What was I thinking? Sundays are supposed to be lazy, relaxing days, but all I've gotten out of it today is a lot of noise and calamity. Three kids. I remember wanting more than just my girl. I wanted at least six of them, all different flavors. Now, though, I'm fairly settled, and Kole and I are doing just fine on our own. If I ever get the urg...
My first day on the job went okay. Interesting work, but also a hurry up and wait kind of process. The terminology was confusing, hence the title above, but I remembered some of it from past productions, so I wasn't a complete newbie. Truth? After sitting in a chair for more than 8 hours a day, it's going to take some gettting used to with all this running around. Rush across campus to get a boom box from AV, rush later to the other side for much needed coffee. The stage area is 3 floo...
I quit my job today, and it felt pretty good. I handed my headset and security badges over to my supervisor and she said 'no!' and I said 'yes', and not soon after, it was over. After saying good bye to some friends, I got a coffee and thought how good it was to be unemployed- at least until Monday, that is. My new job is going to be a sink-or-swimmer, and believe me, I'm doing practice laps already. I need to review/study/cram Aboriginal Theatre 101, so I can remember who's who. I als...