anti-prose. random matter.
what's the question?
Published on October 22, 2006 By crimson In Blogging
Yesterday's work consisted of painting flowers and leaves, videotaping Michael Greyeyes and Santee Smith, and assembling a chandelier. I don't care how pretty chandeliers are to some people, but this cements it; it's the first and last time, baby.

Michael asked me if I could run sound, and I had to answer that I didn't know how, but the better answer should have been, "Yes. No problem." I just don't know enough, yet. So many people have been kind enough to show me how, and I know I've asked tons of dumb questions, and did hundreds of dumb things before I either figured out an easier way, or was shown one.

My mentor, if I had a choice, would be Don. I'd love to just follow him around and mark his every move. He's mostly funny, and is definitely gracious. He's also got stories for everything, which entertains me while we do mind-numbing chores. He actually reminds me of my father, because of his industriousness. He gets things done, but he's not an ass about it. It's hard to find people like that.

He also talks to himself, which is comforting. Both my twin and my father talk while they work, and I can deal with it just fine. I enjoy listening, because, whether it's realized or not, they reveal more than just random lists that they are audibly mulling over... sometimes they give up other things that they probably aren't aware of. You find out a lot about someone who works this way. And its always good with someone who likes to laugh.

Tonight's entertainment includes an early dinner, then a movie with the family. I don't know who thought this one up, but my parents', my twin and I are all going to see some Clint Eastwood movie. I don't know how gung-ho I am for the movie itself, but I'm anxious to be sans child.

I love my girl to death but the last little while has been crazy-annoying-exhausting with her. She's all up and down, and all over the place all at once... if this is 8, I shudder to think what puberty brings on. I don't have the patience for it, frankly. I used to think that we'd end up fine, and that the whole mother/daughter relationship horror stories were fake, or overdone, because we certainly don't work that way.

Now... I'm not so sure. Everything is my fault, or her fault, and the line is always drawn and then crossed. I don't even know how to get through to her without ending up hurting her feelings, or making her cry. And she thinks I'm being too fussy, too mean and too negative. Unfortunately I cut her a lot of slack. I'm not much on rules or order. Our house is always this side of messy, and I'd rather have everything easygoing, than overwrought. But, if I ask her to do something, it's this big drama, this huge chore, and it irks me, because I so seldom ask her to do anything.

I'm not having it. I'm not having my girl grow up spoilt, and lazy. I'm not giving her everything, because a) I can't afford and even if I could, she's got to do some things on her own.

I'm becoming a stereotype in parenting, I know. It's all been done, but sheesh. When she was an infant I thought I'd never get through it, and I did. Same with the toddler years, preschool, and kindergarden. I know we're going to make through this age of 8 and older, but fack. There's gotta be a time in some age level where things go smoothly and it's more comfortable.

on Oct 22, 2006
Isn't that how it always is Nic, you've gotta learn something new on your own when on a new job. It's like for some people who are already there they expect you to know but how can you when it is your first time.

Don sounds like a nice guy. I didn't realise you had a twin Nic? I must have missed that somehow. I'm guilty of the same thing they do, I talk to myself a lot while I work too. It's a bad habit but it's quite sane believe me!!

Don't worry, you and Kole will be ok. Take my word for it. My first girl Jessica, is 17, we're doing ok, there are bumps like her keeping her room clean, but I've decided to lay off because you know what, life's too short and if that's the way she's going to be, so be it. I'll just go in and pick up the trash once in a while. She's a busy teen and I love her and me getting on her case is not necessary.

My other girl Amanda, is five and you've read about her a lot in my blogs too. She's a handful everyday. Sometimes I give in, gee, a lot of the times I do, because truthfully it's easier than to let us both be stressed. I do however have to draw the lines sometimes because she doesn't know when to stop. I have to be the limit to her actions and going ons just to let her know when it's time to stop.

Yep, you and Kole will be just fine.

I hope you enjoyed the movie!
on Oct 23, 2006
I've got a confession to make... I'm a closet Clint fan.   (Okay, well I'm guess I'm no longer a 'closet' fan). Anyway, which movie was it and did you enjoy it?
on Oct 23, 2006
Hey Nic,

Pretty soon you will be running that joint. From what I have learned of you these past years is that you are observant, smart and have a lot of common sense.

8 years old is one of those crazy ages. I seemed to have more stress when my boys were that age. Soon it will pass.

Have a great week.
on Oct 23, 2006

I really want to see the Clint Movie.  Unlike Dynamaso, I have never been in the closet about my admiration for him as an actor and dicrector.

As for your philosophy on raising your girl, I could not agree more.  Besides not spoiling them, you will teach them the value of something well earned.  I wish you well in that endeavor.  It is never easy.