anti-prose. random matter.
crimson's Articles In Blogging » Page 8
May 8, 2004 by crimson
This is the time of year when people I know start to do some serious planning. Living in Ontario, Canada, does have its perks. One of them is that almost everyone either has or knows someone else who has a cottage. My hometown is surrounded by hundreds of lakes in either direction, so the option to get away from it all and still end up in a different spot every time is actually favorable. Lakes in this area are relatively unpolluted; the only health concern is bites from those pesky mos...
May 7, 2004 by crimson
Before my crush on a guy who is now a good friend, I had another crush. It went somewhere but it was a weird scenario. He was a 'reeler and pusher'. He'd reel me into thinking that something special was going on, and the moment our relationship started to go in a certain direction he'd push away. This happened over and over. And I took it for a long time. See, we were friends, but I was definitely more interested in him at the start, and he knew it. I never did anything regrettable, but ...
May 5, 2004 by crimson
I've been strutting around a bit and have been feeling very relieved. I got offered a job, signed the papers and start at the end of the month. Yay for me! I've had a perma-grin for awhile now, and am just glad to be finally in the position of getting off welfare, starting my career and having more money than I've every earned in my life. It means no more daytime blogging, but it also means, that, eventually I will be able to upgrade from my CrapComputer to a real kickin one. However, I ...
May 5, 2004 by crimson
There are just some days when a beer would go down so nicely. I've been trying to stop drinking. I have never been the kind of person to keep alcohol at home and since I am only able to get out once a week at the most often, I don't actually do a lot of regular drinking. I'm also usually the kind of person who likes to be in control, so even if I do go out, I'm always sober enough to know exactly what I have done, how many drinks I have had, and who I have been hanging out with. Add tha...
May 4, 2004 by crimson
There's no method to my madness of blogging today. I can't seem to put forth a fully formed opinion on anything, and any particular item that I would bitch about isn't maddening enough... just a minor annoyance. Then again... Ordered list, anyone? If Trinitie is 'gone' from Joeuser, why does she continue popping up in the comments section making decidingly bitchy comments? I would have responded to one of her so-called challenges, but that would be on someone else's blog, not mine...
May 3, 2004 by crimson
i know that it doesn't take much effort, but i'm just too tired to capitalize my sentences today. why? i think it all began when i stepped out of the car this morning and saw snow falling from the sky... again!!! okay, i realize that i live in canada, and that there's a great many people from outside of canada who think that this is the norm- snow in may... but it's not. there's nothing normal about walking into my apartment last night to a living room that was 91degrees, and then waking up ...
May 2, 2004 by crimson
it's sunday. it's raining. i have to go grocery shopping. i need to clean the bathroom. i am currently doing laundry. i have a movie that is 14 days overdue. I still haven't brought it back yet. i kissed somebody that i shouldn't have. i cut someone from my friend list. i went to the movies. i'm trying to eat more veggies and less bread. i am dying for fish and chips. i want a coke. i need to drink more water. i've got to go.
April 30, 2004 by crimson
There are just some things that I should not read, that I stupidly click on anyway. Why do I punish myself like this? After reading the blog, of course I spilled out my opinion. I hit the Submit button. Immediately went back and clicked on the Edit button. Found I couldn't entirely delete my response and had to leave a period behind as a sign that read 'I did read, and had to retract my original comment.' Everyone has a right to their opinion, no matter how wrong it is to me. I d...
April 29, 2004 by crimson
Summer session at my university always brings on a change in demographics. Gone are the pasty faces, replaced by a multitude of ethnicity. In the fall, minorities average (I'm guessing.) in at about 15% for general courses like Psychology, History, and English credits. Courses that draw a specific audience like Native Studies, Black Studies also allow for the majority to attend, and usually make up the most of the population as well. Simply put, even for specialized courses, minority numb...
December 12, 2004 by crimson
I need more time to do nothing... Or at least, I need more time to blog. Haven't produced anything since sometime last week. Don't really have much time to do so now, except to say that I do see a lot of blogging action in my future. Considering it's the only action that I will probably see in 2004, it will have to suffice. I have a day off on Tuesday, and unless I am crazy enough, or desparate enough to work overtime, I am gonna spend it blogging! Until then, blog on everyone.
December 7, 2004 by crimson
I don't know if it's because I've been watching too much of The X-Files, Alias, and The Matrix, or if it's because I've had to listen and watch audio and screenshots of me at work, but lately I feel that everybody is watching me. Maybe, too, it's because I've been too much in my head this weekend, spending more time thinking and writing, that is doing me in. Long conversations with friends as apposed to faceless clientele, is something that I've been lacking. People seem so random to me...
December 5, 2004 by crimson
I loooove Sundays. Not being the religious type, I do have my rituals. Today: Wake up, turn the radio on. Get the book from the bedside table. Read a couple of chapters. Get up. Go to the bathroom and start reading my other book by the roll holder. Go into the kitchen. Make some breakfast. (usually toast and dippy eggs) Warm up the car. Hunt for loose change. Go to the coffee shop and get an XL double double. Pick up Kole. Go to the bookstore. Go for another coffee. Hang downtown. ...
November 28, 2004 by crimson
I've been trying to blog for the past 2o minutes, with no success. I've started and stopped various articles about music, love, and life in general and have ended up deleting all. I'm just in that mood where nothing much is happening, where my inspiration suddenly dies, justlikethat. Basically, all is well in my universe. Nothing is perfect, but not all is bad. Simply put, I'm having an ordinary day. Nothing much to write about, so, I guess, this is the reason why blogging has bee...
November 26, 2004 by crimson
It's the start of the weekend for everyone else, but not for me. Happy Tuesday, I suppose, and I can't wait until it's Friday in my universe. Strike that: I can't wait until Saturday. I've spent the last 2 days at work helping people download free holiday ringtones, suspend their phones because they left them on the train/airplane/bus/cab/etc., and try to figure out not-so-complex billing issues. Pay your damned bill, easy-peasy. Seriously, I'll be the first person to admit that I am ...
November 24, 2004 by crimson
Gone is the saddened state.... ....replaced by fury, and acidic hate. My god. What it's like to be a woman. I've gone from tears to white-hot rage in the span of 48 hours. I have excess energy that begs for release, and a serving of high kicks and powerhouse slugs are on the menu. I've been spending way too much time watching Sidney Bristow take on baddies on Alias, and have 'Eye of the Tiger' pumping in the background while I work on my own abs by doing hundreds of stomach crunch...