anti-prose. random matter.
crimson's Articles In Home & Family » Page 2
June 1, 2005 by crimson
I swear, there's something wrong with my sister. She literally is causing fights between us, because of her inability to listen, or else, she is simply not paying attention. I'm hoping that there is some medical reason why this is happening, because then I can attribute it all to that, and not simply bad manners. We were talking, at the top of our bloody lungs, about why I didn't come over to her house this morning to get her to drive Kole to school. (We live next door to each other.) ...
November 8, 2004 by crimson
I mentioned it before; my grandmother died this spring. It's taken months for the probate to do whatever a probate does (to be honest, I don't even know what the hell a probate is!) but slowly, things from her now-sold condo are making their way into our family's homes. I've lived a college-life existence. Futons, used furniture, and mismatching cups, plates, and silverware. I have more invested in books than anything else... I've got four large book cases crammed to overflowing. Kole,...