I must admit that I'm not that relaxed in front of the camera. I'm not insecure about my figure, but I'm not flamboyant about it, either. An acquaintance mentioned having modeled for an art class, and I was intrigued by it. She is not waif-like at all, but from an artist's perspective, I can see how drawing her form would be of interest. Her hair is generally a riot of curls, and she's got a real curvy figure. Having taken art classes thoughout school and university, I've also had an opportunity to draw children, and fuller-figured people. While drawing there was no criticism about shape or form from any of the artists who worked hard at their own representations of these models. In fact, there was a great respect for the self-assurance and generosity given: modelling would be awkward from my own perspective. I'm not one to bask in a lot of attention, and nothing makes me more uncomfortable to just sit and do nothing while other people are watching. It's funny though, I've performed on stage, and can do nothing at the same time, but it certainly is not the same experience. I do realize that I'm more accostomed to seeing photos of myself above the neck only, rather than a full view. I have some thoughts towards changing this.
I dyed my hair last night, and there are trails of black in the bathroom and kitchen. So long to a very plush, but ratty towel, goodbye to my fuschia shirt. (How responsible and irresponsible at the same time of me to not just thow out an impulse buy but make it useful first.) My hair is jet black, and phoomy. What is phoomy? Well, it's somewhere between spiky and too-long. It doesn't need a bit of hair product to get wild, but it's not cutting-edge stylish either. It's what I term my 'I don't give a shit, but maybe I should' look. Questions, still?
A simple but recent thought: when is the last time I've kissed/been really kissed? No answers here.
And finally, I had my second interview that went much like the first: without warning and with a feeling of nonchalance. Odds are 7-2. And apparently, the girl that's a level higher, doesn't have a chance.