I might have mentioned in my last blog how concerned I was about my family. And about the probability of coming down with it, too. With all of them coughing and hacking, I remembered the words of Agent Smith: 'This is the sound of inevitability'. So yeah, I'm sick, my throat hurts, and I am mighty bitter about everything right now.
If you were to meet me in real life, I'm sure you'd say what most people say about me. That I'm happy, that I always have time to make someone feel good about themselves, and that I'm always smiling. I rarely complain about anything in public, but in my deeper thoughts, I'm as black as night, baby. That's right, I can feel acidic hate boiling in my chest right now, creeping up my throat like a liquid napalm, ready to flame anyone who dares to confront me on any topic.
Maybe that's why I have such difficulties in expressing myself. I know that I can just as easily sprout out my frustrations and anger about everything in life, but I hold it all in, and let it simmer until it is poisonous and rank. I'd rather hold my tongue, and plaster a goofy grin on my face when someone casually asks me how I'm doing, than go nuclear in a second. Days like these, I'll bring anyone down, and show no mercy, truth. And I don't want to unleash the person who's straining inside of me. I am all to aware how easy it is to make enemies, to ruin friendships with blurted out, thoughtless responses.
I don't get around much anymore. I've lost that easy-going banter between friends. It's been some time that I've been around anyone who was once close to me. People move on, and while I understand all about that, I've yet to find replacements for them. So, those early morning coffee meetings that my little group of friends used to share to vent, to laugh, to discuss important topics has been replaced by nothing. Instead, I spend way too much time in my head, and even more time denying that there might be a problem because of this. I made a critical error and started nightshift again, but at least this time, it only took me a month to realize that it was even worse for me.
I'm a loner, baby, and I hate it. I'm sick of myself, and want something more.