My daughter is dying to go back to school...
She is bored of summer, and can't wait to see her friends, meet her new teacher, and start learning new stuff. Every day she complains that nothing good happens, that she hasn't been doing anything but just sitting around, even though I know that she's done a lot of fun stuff with my parents or other relatives when I'm at work. Hell, even if we spend a fantastic day together, she'll still complain later about not having much to do.
Ah... it starts so soon.
I'm already waiting to use the old 'I told you so." on her when she says the reverse: in about three weeks, when she starts complaining about how school is boring, how she hates doing homework, and how she doesn't have anything decent to wear. I'm almost tempted to say that she's starting to sound like a teenager, but I don't want to go there.
Not yet, anyway. "