anti-prose. random matter.
this is how it works.
Published on July 6, 2005 By crimson In Blogging
My blogging activity has almost come to a stand still.

I always mean to write more, but since I don't have a computer with internet access at home, I find it difficult to post on a regular basis. I think a lot of my fellow bloggers go through this. I haven't 'heard' from Muggaz in months, and where oh where are Mignuna, Macky, and others that have left the scene? BlueDev, is busy with work and home, and other people have simply just stopped posting without a goodbye.

I miss 'em all, for certain, but I see how it goes, now.

on Jul 06, 2005
I too miss some of the no longer blogging. Course, at times I'm almost among them. Write what you can, when you can, but it's not the end of the world if you can't/don't.
on Jul 06, 2005
Hi Nicky: I noticed that when my life had many things that needed my attention, that was when I posted
very little.
Also if I was feeling depressed I couldn't seem to find things that I wanted to write about and share.
Perhaps for some they've lost interest, have found new things to keep them occupied.
Sometimes it's because of health reasons that people aren't around for awhile, the
possibilities are endless.
Hang in there, your buddies will probably be back before you know it
on Jul 24, 2005
I'm still around Nicky Busy working though, so I don't have the time (or the need, to be honest) to blog any more. Though I do have a backlog of "poetry" I might get around to posting one day. Never fear though, I still read my friends' blogs as often as time permits
on Jul 27, 2005
Hey, that's good to hear. While it's true that the busier we are, the more difficult it is to post on a regular basis, I understand why some people quit blogging altogether. It gets more difficult to post interesting things, and lately, my blog just details day-to-day stuff about nothing too extraordinary. I miss hearing about you and how you are doing, and do think you should post your poetry more often. Either way, I don't think I'll be giving up JU entirely, but it's a stranger place without some of the 'older regulars'. Still home, but kinda like coming back after going away to college, if you get my drift.
Miss you much. Nicky.
on Jul 30, 2005
I just find it extremely hard to be the coolest person all the time, how egocentric of me you must say, but JU seems to be full of wierdo's and losers... maybe it's the pot calling the kettle black, but blogging just doesn't have the same appeal it did for me before...

It is good to know that people are still around though... like your fine self.