Life is simple. There isn't much going on... work, eat, sleep, live. I've been maintaining a period of relative calm. It's been pretty quiet, and pretty satisfying after contemplating real injustices. There's so much shit going on in the world... I've got no right to complain. I've got a healthy family, a happy (if not pretty messy) home, and am slowly recovering from a cold that seems to be neverending.
I've lost ten pounds since the new year. It's partly due to not feeling like eating with a sore throat, but it's also because I've been halving my meals. I still eat the same crap... just not as much of it. Think of what I could do with real willpower, though. I haven't quit smoking, but I'm down to a pack every 2 weeks, instead of every week or so. I am pretty much out of debt now (aside from that blasted student loan which won't go away until sometime in 2020!). Baby steps. Baby steps.
I'm being desensitized. I've been speaking to just too many strangers with so-called sob stories. I know people need reliable service. I know that sometimes circumstances arise that can make it impossible to meet a monthly payment that would avert suspension. But the sad thing is... I've heard it waaaay too many times before. I've had thousands of people cite hospital stays, pending motherhood, abusive spouses, and sick children. And I'm bloody sick of people asking for more. More bonus minutes. More discounts. More rebate amounts. More adjustments to their accounts. I used to think that people were friendly, people were happy, people were understanding if given the proper information to view a situation. Lately it seems as if people are just greedy. After a days work is done, I can think the former, but sometimes, while at work, I can't help but realize how jaded I've become.
I'm ready for something big to happen. I'm slowly starting to move on. I want some new experiences. I'm not sure what kind, but bring it on....