anti-prose. random matter.
Trademarks Seem To Rule The Season
Published on December 24, 2003 By crimson In Movies & TV & Books
When I was young, one of the best things about Christmas was catching the Christmas specials. Charlie Brown's Christmas... you know, the one with the sad, sorry looking tree that ended up as the star of the show. Frosty The Snowman and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer... that was hi-tec back then. What does my kid have to look forward to? A hell of a lot of specials, but among so many of them, nothing worth waiting for. Rugrat's Christmas. Barbie's Christmas. Barney Christmas. Blue's Clues Christmas. Trademarked Christmas is more like it. Yeah, I know. Charlie Brown was trademarked, too. But that show was almost unique back then in that not every single cartoon character had it's own holiday special. Not every product aimed at kids commanded their own tv show. When I try to interest her in my faves, she looks at me and just shakes her head. It's outdated. It's old news. It's boring to her. To her, I'm so not cool, and neither are my memories of what a good Christmas special is.

on Dec 26, 2003
I know its terrible, ya can't even find a good Jesus movie anymore at Christmas time and Hes the one that Christmas is about. Guess maybe they fear a backlash from the atheists or something. Oh, well i'll just set here at the PC and read and eat my peanut butter fudge. Who needs T.V. anyways? GCJ
on Dec 27, 2003
Did they ever make a good Jesus movie? What is GCJ talking about? Hey there was LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST, that was pretty cool, but hardly a christmas special. Actually, where I live they showed a handful of claymation type religious specials. But I don't know of any famous specials starring Jesus at the holidays. But they do read Scripture in Charlie Brown.