anti-prose. random matter.
woe is me.
Published on June 27, 2007 By crimson In Blogging
I'll admit it; I miss blogging. I miss writing, actually.

It's funny, but somewhere between work and my home life, I've given up the daily act of writing, then posting every random thought, every turbulent emotion, every questionable behaviour outted by myself, quite freely. Even more though, I miss the exchange, the socialness that is Joeuser. Most of my favorites are gone, though. I guess they've moved on as well.

Something keeps bringing me back here, though. You know the saying, 'you can never go home again'? Well, I've seen people come back. (as an honest aside, some people just shouldn't... and I don't even know why they bother... But for those who just got busy, lost the inclination, or became bored by the bickering between others, it's pretty easy to step back in.

Who has left for a certain period of time, only to come back just as strong, if not stronger than before? I wonder why? I wonder if it was an easy thing, like riding a bike, or slipping on a comfy pair of shoes. Was it once again easy to keep typing away and then hitting submit, or did they go through a period of writing an article out, only to hit delete, day after day?

I hate goodbye blogs, but I have to admit, it's just too damned hard sometimes to come up with anything decent.

Nothing will change my fondness for Joeuser, though. That much is for sure.

on Jun 27, 2007
So, is this goodbye? I miss you! I have been on and off myself, but trying to get back on the saddle again since I started writing again. Truthfully, I missed a couple of days, but it seemed like weeks! I'm still trying to sort out my personal life and writing does help me to either keep it at bay when I need to or just chewing on it when I'm overwhelmed. The cost of not being around though is a loss of those who used to read with you. But life goes on, quite obviously, and I just continue to do what I love to do, write!

So, are you in or out? I hope in! You've removed your articles? I dont' see them. At any rate, do what's bess for you and hopefully we'll still be able to chat via JU!
on Jun 27, 2007

I have been thorugh many an on/off period with JU. Sometimes I come back stronger and sometimes weaker. Right now I am in a weak phase. Whereas I used to write drunk and angry (which made the pieces much better and more fun to read) I now write sober and I am not nearly as angry. Hard to say if I will be able to shift styles and get back to writing things people will want to read.


It is hard to do anything consistently over years and JU is no different.

on Jun 27, 2007

It is hard to do anything consistently over years and JU is no different.

Very true.  I am not writing as much as I used to for basically the same reasons.  Someday I hope to come back strong again (maybe next year).

on Jun 27, 2007
Funny that you should post an article on the same day as I post something new and to make your jaw drop even further...8th of June was the last time we both posted prior to today. How's that for a mental connection, huh?

I'm on a permanent hiatus from JU, but just like you, every now and then I pop in to write something. I even had a pretty good spell going two month ago, but work got the better of the time I get home, the only thing on my mind is a warm bed

on Jun 27, 2007
aw nicky, yer dint have to say bye bye.. just take a break, drop in, say hi once in a while, I have taken several breaks over the years, some of them months long, some just a few days, some a few weeks, do what pleases you. Know that some here will miss you.

on Jun 27, 2007
eek -- if you go, you need to definitely keep emailing me... i'm hardly around here anymore but it is because I don't have internet at home anymore...but it is always nice to see a blog from you...

are you still planning a road trip?

PS. Hi Mack -- always good to "see" you too!!

on Jul 05, 2007
Hey Nic,

It is good to see you, regardless. I do hope you come back here every so often and let us know you're alive. Hope you're doing well...