anti-prose. random matter.
Published on April 22, 2007 By crimson In Blogging
Sometimes I worry about how much I've been talkin'...

I worry about it, because so very often I've seen people just let go whenever there's a pause in the conversation, or a simple stop for breath. What is it about these people who just go on and on and on? Can't they see that they are boring other people or simply telling me way too much about themselves?

Now, don't get me wrong. I love a good conversation, and I love a good talker. I'm good audience, because I love to pay attention to what's being said, and what isn't. I listen well, and often find myself storing up random phrases or discussions that people have uttered because it's impressed me so much.

On the flipside though, is those chatterers who just go on about everything and anything. They usually talk a mile a minute, and more often than not, don't wait for a comment, a question or any sort of indication that there's some sort of connection between 2 people going on. It's usually a solo journey they're on.

I get happy when I get drunk. I usually sit on my barstool and follow the conversation around. I'm not shy to speak up, but I am entertained by other people's stories, especially if I've heard 'em before. I like the way a story can change, and I give full credit to a person who can tell the same story but in equally entertaining ways.

Sometimes, though, I worry I've said too much. I worry that I've bragged a bit, or dismissed somebody outright, because I was too focused on myself.

Sometimes, when you've had one beer too many, you do have the tendency to keep on ramblin'...

on Apr 22, 2007
Sometimes, when you've had one beer too many, you do have the tendency to keep on ramblin'...

Tell me about it, sistah. But there's nothing like happy conversation with people you care about.
on Apr 22, 2007
My first thought as I read your title:

I know I do. Back off, sister.

on Apr 22, 2007
Tell me about it, sistah. But there's nothing like happy conversation with people you care about.

Yep! Some people do have the gift for gab and can make the time go much faster!
on Apr 22, 2007
I prefer to listen most of the time. I really don't talk all that much...and when I do it's usually just me jumping in for comments.

on Apr 22, 2007
I'm more of a listener too, mainly because when I ingest alcohol, I do my best to keep my mouth in neutral. I don't mind a bit of a gasbag with friends, but I know people who just can't leave a silence alone. I call them gap-fillers and most of the time, this is all they are doing.
on Apr 23, 2007

I call them gap-fillers and most of the time, this is all they are doing.

Star Trek had an episode where Data was learning the art of small talk.  I think your gap fillers fit that bill.