anti-prose. random matter.
good times
Published on January 10, 2007 By crimson In Blogging
Nothing like listening to classic rock, in a dusty old dive...

I spent several hours today in my favorite bar, just drinking coffee and listening to classic rock, loud. I sat down at the platform table (where hundreds of drunk people have sprained their ankles falling down the stairs, all the while never dropping their pints) knowing I was going to be there awhile. I didn't do much but people watch, write crappy poetry, and sketch weather-related landscapes. Several people waved and I nodded in return, but I must have been giving off the do-not-approach vibe, as I was not interrupted once, thankfully.

I love writing, and it's my thing, but I'm also pretty fond of drawing, though I'm not grrrrreat at it. In fact, if I were to apply to Teacher's College one of these years, I'd actually be able to count Art as a teachable, since I've got a coupla still lifes, and theory courses behind my back. Like writing, I'm often embarassed at being spotted enjoying myself drawing; it's kinda like being caught in the act, take my word for it.

I felt guilty today enjoying my time off, but previously I had spent almost 5 hours logged online, anxiously checking my email for any word. Finally, I said "fuck it" and went downtown. I wore my new-to-me shoes, a pair of wedge-heeled Converse sneakers. For good measure, I threw on the rattiest jeans that I own, a Paris-vintage inspired t-shirt underneath my smelly cordouroy jacket, and topped it off with a black sequined skull cap. I even let my new, two-toned curls peek under the rim alluringly. ha.

I love my smelly coat. I left the cordouroy jacket in the trunk of my old car for one wet, long weekend, and after a hundred washings, a thousand attacks with Fabreeze and other equally (but pleasant) smelling sprays later, it still smells kinda crazy. I can't say it's a bad smell exactly, but it's definitely unique.

Two-toned. I dyed my hair again, this time aiming for a lighter brown, instead of the jet-black that I usually go for. It didn't work out so well, as only a good two inches from the scalp got dyed, the rest is still jet-black. I don't give a shit, though. I'm aiming to pick up some woody woodpecker red dye, and plan to streak it, after bleaching parts of it blonde. (I gotta bleach some of it blonde, in order to get the blue to go on correctly.) I'm of the sort that if none of it works out, I can always just chop 'er off and begin again. Hair grows, yanno.

One of the classic rock tunes that blared this afternoon was by Led Zeppelin. I just got the 1969 album a couple of days ago, after exchanging some other albums. Coincidence?

I think not.


on Jan 10, 2007
Sounds like you had a brilliant afternoon.

I'm a tad envious of the drawing skills, as I haven't got any!!
on Jan 10, 2007
I would love to see your pictures sometime if you feel like sharing it.

That is one skill I wish I could do. draw, paint anything like that. I'm envious.
on Jan 10, 2007
I'm envious.

Me too. BIG time...

And I wish I could visit that bar and hang out there with you too. It sounds like it would be good for the soul.
on Jan 13, 2007
What a great looking bar. Just the sort of place I love going to, one where there is great music, better conversation and a relaxed atmosphere.