anti-prose. random matter.
Published on December 30, 2006 By crimson In Blogging
Most times when I write, I do it from the hip.

I rarely have a preformed idea of what I'm going to write, rather, I let it all out in one great glurp. You know, occasionally, during a random lull in my day, I have an idea of what might be good to write about, but I'm rarely prepared during those times. Those golden gems slip into my consciousness, and then are lost to wherever good thoughts go because I'm without a pen and paper and have a shitty memory for half-formed thoughts.

I'm a fairly good editor. True story? I went out with a guy who was lovely in many ways. We got along well, and rarely fought about anything. He had a pretty decent sense of humor, and I thought that his way of looking at things was pretty cool, but what really got me in the dead of night was the way that he couldn't spell. Any time he'd leave a note for me, it would be littered with mistakes and occasional strikeouts. He had no patience for reading anything but a tv guide and often grew irrated when he saw me read a book or fire up the computer. I'm sure that my love for reading bothered him as much as his dislike for it bothered me. And I really couldn't get beyond words spelt incorectly, and slopy handriting. It seveerly botherd me, like fingernales down a chaukboard.

Those with a magnifying glass piss me off just as equally. Anybody who wants to nitpick with my occasional mispelling of a word can cram it sideways, because those errors are few and far between. I don't just shoot punctuation as if from a bb gun, either.

We didn't break up over words, though. We left over everything that was unsaid. Story of my life, especially lately, it seems.

on Dec 30, 2006

you write what you right what you rite


aahhh you spelt a word wrong!

Laughing Mutley

3D Spinning Smiley
on Dec 30, 2006

Ah, Nic, the more I read about you the more I think we are kin to each other in some way.  I too have dated a person in the past who was otherwise a very nice guy but who could not spell to save his life.  I felt so shallow and superficial for not being able to overlook that one little issue, but I could not get over it no matter how hard I tried.  I would lay next to him on the nights he stayed over and I'd get that feeling in my stomach - you know, the feeling you get when you realize that whatever it is you're doing is going to fail and that you're kidding yourself by carrying on with it - and I'd about throw up because I was so pissed off and ashamed of myself for not being able to let that one little thing go.

I guess that writing for me is about the same as it is for you; it happens when it happens and I'll turn out three of four things at a time.  I just cannot write to order; I've tried and it just doesn't happen for me - which is why my submissions to the JU writers club have been nonexistent.

Write from the hip, chickie.  You do it beautifully.

on Dec 30, 2006
I like the title very much...from the hip...
on Dec 30, 2006
Ah, Nic, the more I read about you the more I think we are kin to each other in some way.

I feel similarly. I don't comment a whole helluva lot, but I read, and I care. Thanks, my friend.

which is why my submissions to the JU writers club have been nonexistent.

I haven't written a thing, either! I keep meaning to, but then, simply, do not.

I felt so shallow and superficial for not being able to overlook that one little issue

Yep, gotcha. There's one thing to be in a hurry and drop a letter occasionally, or to forget that the i's before e except after c, but when every word is wrong, it's hard to overlook. It drove me nuts, and I had to end it, when I realized I was looking down on him because it didn't matter much to him.

And the worst thing, is I recognize that in some cases, there are possible reasons for it. My own girl is now offically marked with a severe learning disability, and I'd give both arms to just have her write out a paragraph or two on her own, neverminding spelling mistakes galore.

It's a shitty way to run things, but I can't help that the innkeeper in my head is a bit of a bitch.
on Dec 30, 2006
It's a shitty way to run things, but I can't help that the innkeeper in my head is a bit of a bitch.

That is a priceless quote. I love reading you nic, no matter when or how.
on Dec 30, 2006
It's a shitty way to run things, but I can't help that the innkeeper in my head is a bit of a bitch.

on Dec 30, 2006
I understand completely. I have dated a few women who couldn't spell worth a damn, didn't like to read, and had no knowledge of current affairs or geography (except how to get to the mall). It's a mis-match, plain and simple.

"They" say opposites attract but that's bullshit. People with similar interests and loves are far more likely to be a good match than a genius paired with a moron. There is a good reason why well educated people pair off with other well educated people and dropouts pair off with dropouts.

I have dated some women who were so, (how do I put this politely?), dim, that I could barely stand to make it through an evening with them. No second dates there.

There has to be more than a physical attraction and superficial likes to make for a good pairing.

But then again I live alone so best to not listen to me.
on Dec 30, 2006
You are beautiful, Nick.
on Dec 31, 2006
I'm a bit of both ways on this. Often times, I write, as you say, from the hip. There are also times where research and preparation is necessary. I personally like the first mode as it usually produces better material.

You are beautiful, Nick

Shovel, you are such a flatterer. But you're right too...