anti-prose. random matter.
lone smoker
Published on December 19, 2006 By crimson In Health & Medicine
"We don't sell Tic Tacs, we sell cigarettes. And they're cool, available, and addictive. The job is almost done for us."
- Budd 'BR' Rohrabacher (JK Simmons) in Thank You For Smoking

Ten years ago, you would find half the faculty and other workers outside at one and a half hour intervals. There'd be great, stand up containers for your finished cigarettes; now there's only random soggy butts littering the ground 10 metres or more from any entrance. Not many people smoke around here, or if they do, they're chickenshit about it. Vanity, vanity, vanity. Screw it. I'd rather sit huddled on a picnic bench segregated from all that may be offended. It's quiet, at least.

It's funny though, at the call centre, there'd be a haze of blue smoke emitting from the back alley. We were segregated there, too, but it was not like being an outcast. You always got the best gossip there, and people traded back and forth, from cigarettes, to quarters for the snack machine, to recipes and passing off umbrellas. It was a friendly, social area, and more than once, we'd see non-smokers make their way back to catch up with the daily news.

Like Mason, and.. uh... Mason, I'd like to quit smoking. I'm not a daily smoker anymore, and don't even smoke a pack a week, but I'm not going to kid myself, I'm as addicted as those pack a day smokers. It might not call out that often, but I can't imagine ever wanting a beer without a cigarette, and coffee seems to go hand in hand with them as well.

I'd hate to be cliche and say that starting January 1st it was going to happen. I've tried it before and failed, but one of these days, hopefully, I'll be able to one day say that I'm a non-smoker, too.

on Dec 19, 2006
Goo luck with your goals. Perhaps your Doc can prescribe some Welbutrin for you. I heard it helps.
on Dec 19, 2006
Seems like a hard thing to quit. I smoke a pipe once a month or so but my wife doesn't like to go without a "smokey treat" for more than a few hours.
on Dec 19, 2006
I smoke a pipe once a month or so but my wife doesn't like to go without a "smokey treat" for more than a few hours.

   - any excuse!!   
on Dec 19, 2006
I hope you can say that one day too Nic! Like I do hope the same for my hubby!
on Dec 21, 2006
Toni and I both smoke. As I explained in Mason's blog, I am what my doctor calls a light smoker. (Funny, he asks me how many I smoke, tells me I'm in the light range but then goes all conspiratorial and says "You know, it doesn't make a difference how many you smoke, they'll still kill you).

Anyway, I've been saying to myself for the past few years I have to give up. And I know I do, for my own sake. But I do enjoy a cigarette or two at night and a few with a drink or three.

Here's hoping you'll be able to call yourself a non-smoker next year, Nic.
on Dec 21, 2006
I'd like to quit smoking. I'm not a daily smoker anymore, and don't even smoke a pack a week, but I'm not going to kid myself, I'm as addicted as those pack a day smokers.

If I could smoke every once in a while I'd still be doing it. But.
But I can't do that. When I smoked it was a pack/pack and a half a day and maybe three or better if I was drinking. All or none. One's too many and a million ain't enough as they say. Heh, I also chewed and dipped too! So one morning nearly nine years a go I smoked a Winston and quit and haven't smoked or dipped since. Cold turkey and all that. Has it been easy? HELL no. Still dream about the damn things. But no way I'm quitting this quit! In reality I like being a non smoker more than a smoker.