anti-prose. random matter.
'what will be, will be'
Published on December 6, 2006 By crimson In Blogging
I'm not big on the jesus-freaks. I'm appreciative of those who have faith, but those who hammer and accuse aren't the ones I'd turn to at the end of times.

I like the weirdos. The ones who are too angry, too emotional, too ballsy, too anything. I love those that are just out there, but can't be around it 24-7 either.

I like spice. Coming from a plain English upbringing, the only type of flavoring we had was butter or salt. No fresh garlic, just powdered. No real green vegetables, except for peas in a can. Now that I'm an adult, I can identify curry, something I'd always heard about, but never really could get behind. I love rosemary and thyme.

I hate tardiness. Though I'm always in a rush, I am always on time, even if it means getting up an hour early to do so. People who are always late, really have no respect for those that they are meeting, or the commitments that they've made. Having said all this, I never used to be this way. When I got there, I got there. I'd breathlessly apologize, or slink in quietly, hoping that nobody would notice. The only reason why I changed is because I hated feeling like I was going to let someone down. Or let myself down, by allowing others to not take me seriously. I still don't own a watch, but make good use of my cellphone with it's built-in clock.

I'm never going to be a super model, but I often wonder what it would be like if I had a super model physique. Would I dress more revealingly? Would I actually wear high heels? Would it be easier to talk me into just coming back 'to talk'?

I'm not a genius either, and sometimes I wonder how stimulating talking about politics, economics or physics really is. Thankfully, I'm unintelligent enough to realize I'm missing something, and occasionally make myself work at understanding, though it's all too easy to want to bury my head in the sand.

I'm never going to be the nice girl. I won't tell lies, but I don't hold back, either. If you are acting like an ass, I'll call you on it. If you do something that pisses me off, chances are that I'm not going to give you more than a second chance. Life's too short for repeated apologies. Be the person you want to be and I'll respect you for who you are, don't make me want to change you.

I'm never going to be the bad girl, either. I've done some bad things in my life, and I'm sure I'll do an awful lot more, but, in general, I'm not evil or wicked, though sometimes it sure does look like fun. Getting back to the bad things, I've got enough of a God and Jesus education that I occasionally worry about my soul and the sins I've committed. What will I have to do to atone myself? And then again, I've also been going with a 'what will be, will be' mode d operandi.

on Dec 06, 2006
I'm not big on Jesus Freaks either. Seems when they finally break down and do sin they make mine look like small potatoes.

And I like the good weirdos. The bad ones can hang themselves for all I care.

Spice! I like it too! And variety is my favorite variety of it.

Tardy people are deep down selfish, arogant people. They really and truly are.

You're never gonna be a super model? You have no super model physique? These are transient things, Nick. You have the real qualities, the right qualities, that last.

Sad the horizons a dull mind limits us to! But I sense your horizons are vastly wider than you think.

I can act like an ass. Please call me on it when I do. And please rethink the notion of not giving more than second chances.

I always remember that line from Semi-Tough where Big Ed Bookman clutches his cowboy hat and looks toward Heaven when his football team is loosing and says "Lord I'm a sinner and it looks like you're gonna fuck me for it."
So yeah... I'm an awful,helluva lot like Big Ed.
on Dec 07, 2006
Que sera sera...

I don't like bible-bashers either. I believe faith is at its strongest when it is silent.

The weirdos of the world are the ones who make us laugh, cry and inspire us to be truly happy with who we are.

I love herbs and spices. We've got basil, lemon thyme, parsley, sage, chives and rosemary growing in our garden. Toni is talking about adding garlic, oregano and a few others very shortly. Fresh herbs and spices turn food into taste explosions.

I'm a nice guy, I guess. I've had many people tell me this over the years, so I guess it must be true. The problem with being a nice guy is that when I do get angry or upset, a lot of people are genuinely surprised, some to the point of disbelief. The truth, as far as I'm concerned, is I'm just like everyone else; a little good, a little bad and a whole lot of normal.
on Dec 07, 2006
I wear high heels sometimes with this not super model physique! You should try it Nick, there are some really comfortable pairs out there! [can you tell how much I love shoes?!!]

I'll admit I'm tardy sometimes, no excuses about it.

It doesnt matter if you're a genius, talk about whatever you want. The ones who get all hoity toity and bothered about it if you aren't are not worth getting upset over. Seriously!

And don't forget that God is a forgiving God. However, he does like it when you help yourself. You have talent and you're putting it to good use - don't you see him smiling? You're exactly where you're supposed to be!