anti-prose. random matter.
here's the difference...
Published on May 16, 2006 By crimson In Blogging
Here's the difference between me and my twin... if there's a something that needs to be done, and she knows how to do it, she does it right away. Dishes done right after a meal. Floor washed if something sticky falls on it. Laundry done by the load, not when the last clean item of clothing is worn. She's shipshape, yes, but she can also be unmotivated when it comes to a challenge.

I'm more of a procrastinator. Dull and boring chores just make me lie on the couch longer. But if there's something to do, and neither of us knows how to do it, I am usually the one who gets it done. I'm the first one to get out the reference manuals, look online, or call the 1-800 number for assistance. The job is usually attended to within the hour, and while I may curse and holler while attempting to put together a thousand-piece IKEA model, I have a squirmy kind of pride when the project is completed. My twin, I guess, would rather someone else go to the trouble of it all. She's forever calling my father to come at look at the washer, to program the DVD player, or to help with some type of home repair job. I'd rather do it myself.

I'm sure that this says something about me, and about her... but while she'd be all intrigued about cataloguing the results, I'd simply prefer to let well enough alone. And again, I guess that means something...

on May 16, 2006
on May 16, 2006
There is nothing like curling up on the couch and doing something indulgent fully knowing you have a bag of washing or dirty floors or whatever waiting to be done. It sort of makes the taste of the indulgence so much better, don't you think?
on May 16, 2006
looks like the 2 of you make a whole! heh heh heh
on May 16, 2006

Some very interesting stuff here!  I bet some where online there's some kind of serious personality tests one could take.

neat Nicky!