My girl's getting into science, big time.
Any books that she gets from the library are either about experiments, wildlife, or space. Any toys that she wants seem to be more to deal with animals, vegetables and minerals than the colors pink and Barbie. (And I'm in no way complaining about this point!) Any thing that we do afterschool involves long hikes, trips to the nearby zoo, or dangling feet in the nearby river.
There's nothing wrong with any of this, but for one thing.
I hate bugs.
Yes, I hate trucking along and being swarmed by blackflies and gnats, I dislike intensely always feeling itchy after we've clawed our way through a brushy area, and hate the feeling that I've got spiderwebs on me, or that something's crawling up my pantleg.
We've just come back from our evening walk, and I'm positively itchy. I feel like little bugs are all over me, and while we did have a good time talking about mammals and insects while on our little hike, I also passed through several swarms of flying bugs, and can't help but feel this way.
But it's not just this evening, it's for the past few weeks when she's come home with her bug collector, releasing what she's found from my parents' home, into the backyard of our own. I just have the antsy feeling that she's got other bugs stored in her pockets or in her bookbag, and has yet to show me what she's found.
I'm paranoid, I know. And I'm sorry, but I'm leaving to go take another shower.