children's pictures and a mystery unsolved.
My child's photography subjects are a lot different from my own. Whenever I upload from our digital camera, I get pictures like these:
This is predictable, coming from an eight year old. But every once in awhile she takes photos of things that I do not expect. The next set of photos sparked a debate about the dates on the pictures handdrawn by the artist, and the actual dates of the pictures taken.
These pictures are displayed on the wall in my sister's hallway. We were about 6 at the time, and they were drawn by a local artist based by photographs provided by my mother. (There's also a picture not shown, of my brother who was about 10 at the time.) The mystery here, is why the artist submitted the wrong date after his name. It shows quite clearly on mine /73, not so clearly on my sister's as a 3, and there is no date provided at all on my brother's picture.
There is no question about how old we were back then. I have actual photos that were dated during processing, and they all read between the dates of /75 - /82. There was no way that we were three in those pictures, and the picture of my brother showed him to be more than 5. (He's 2 years older than us twins.)
Why would an artist deliberately date his own works of art incorrectly?
There is no answer here, but oh! the mystery of it all. And all because of my girl's fondness for different subject material.
(For enquiring minds: I'm the twin on the left, with the curly hair. She's the one with the long, dark hair. And yes, my mother dressed us alike sometimes... but she got the dress version, I got the pantsuit version. And, yes, I am a girl. Hehehe.)