and you and you and you, too...
After spending an insane amount of time reading, I've come to the conclusion that I've picked the cream of the crop to blog with. Joeuser has been a great place to interact, even with it's little ups and downs that go with a massively different community. Now, I am not going to name names, but after reading some comments that others have left, on long-ago written posts that have suddenly become active again, I can't believe I didn't take note earlier. I have a handful (well, two, actually.) of people that I read pretty regularly. I'll look for their articles on the main page, and if I can't locate anything written by people I like, I then go searching on the Forums board. Now that I've listed almost everyone that I read, I've been bypassing that system and just going directly to the source. (If I am not mistaken, I am also giving you guys a lot of points by doing it this way, too.
It's funny, considering the people that I regularly read. Some are still in high school, others have had families for half as long. Some have very different political beliefs than me, and I often am amazed that I am blogging at an American site, although, it seems weird to consider it now. Some of us are in love with our partners, so deeply, and wholeheartedly. Some have never been in love at all. Some of us are rich, some of us are poor. Most of us seem happy, even if we go through bad times from time to time.
The things we all share is our love of writing. Our need to communicate in this format. Our openness and trust in perfect 'strangers'. Our honesty, our respect for each other. Keep on writing! We are all lucky to have found each other.
(Oh and even though I wasn't going to single out anyone: Dharma, I just read a post of yours in response to something written awhile ago. All I can say is, thanks for today's inspiration, and you rock!)