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Everytime I See You Falling
Published on August 25, 2006 By
Second last day of nights. I'm off at midnight, and I've got a couple of bucks in my pocket in case I want to go out for a pint afterwards. The wise owl would suggest saving it for tomorrow's last night, but I'm hesitating on that one. I can handle going out for a pint or two only, if I know I'm working the next day. If I have a day off the next day, I'm apt to get home at 6 am again. Decisions, decisions.
TV or not TV? that is the question. I'm thinking of getting it again after more than 6 years without. Lost, Spacetv, and Jeopardy. Should I go there again? The guilty pleasure would be another season of Survivor and the so-called controversy that may ensue.
My boyfriend comes back to work after a month long vacation touring Europe with his girlfriend. (Don't ask, please.) I'm looking forward to hearing the details of the trip, the sights, and seeing the pictures he must have took.
God, I'm pathetic. So he's
my boyfriend. I have, however, had a crush on him for more than a year now, and feel perfectly justified by thinking that the longevity of my crush outweighs her claim on him, as they've been going out for far less a time.
Ha. And really, when I get right down to it, I don't even have a crush on him anymore, but can't help feeling that he's more than just a buddy at work, but no longer a love interest. It's not brotherly love either, it's just... stupid. I get along well with him now, I'm sure he realized at one point that I liked him, but it's all over and done with. But yes, I still refer to him as my boyfriend, occasionally.
Whew. Enough of that. Aside from beer and boys, I've been spending a whole lotta time reading. Nothing elite, or even very popular, just trashy crime novels and pop fiction. I'm tearing through them, and though I don't think I've become a better person from reading them, I enjoy this type of reading because it takes me away from the boring shit at work. Nights are different from days, where calls come in constantly, and there's hardly any downtime. Nights give just enough time to read a couple of pages here and there. I can't take anything too deep as it's hard to follow with these constant interruptions. Magazines are good, but I'm pretty cheap. I don't really want to pay six bucks a pop on the latest from Britney, Lindsay and Paris. Or Tom, at that. But with paperbacks, I can pick up a half-dozen for under 5 dollars at the used shop next door to work. And then I can just bring em back, and trade them in for more. Can't go wrong, there.
There are some things that I just don't want to know. I don't want indepth details about other people's relationships and sex lives. I don't want to know about the gruesome side of being a cop, a paramedic, or a doctor because I guess I'm kinda sensitive. I don't want to think too hard about the paranormal or religion and about the dark things that go with it. I don't want to hear excuses about why you can't do something.
I love hearing about how people met each other. How people dig their jobs. How they find that thing that keeps 'em going, and about what made them succeed and survive. Some might say I have blinders on. I say that I just know what I like.
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on Aug 25, 2006
quote --- I love hearing about how people met each other. How people dig their jobs. How they find that thing that keeps 'em going, and about what made them succeed and survive. ------- end quote
All positive things, as well as some inspiration! Nothing wrong with that!
quote ---- TV or not TV? ---- end quote lordy be I could not live without mine!
on Aug 25, 2006
If I have a day off the next day, I'm apt to get home at 6 am again.
been there done that
TV or not TV? that is the question.
I have a TV but no cable or no dish. Does not matter- I very hardly ever watch TV anyway. Me? I surf around on this damn thing and listen to satellite radio...
I say that I just know what I like.
I'm still working on that one, Nick. But what I know I
do like
is reading your blogs.
on Aug 25, 2006
I definately agree that you do know what you like and that is good!
I also love to read you Nicky!
Oh what the heck, call him your boyfriend, he's a boy and he's your friend, right?!LOL!
Don't you hate that though, when you have a crush on someone and can't do anything about it? And when the crush isn't as deep as it used to be it's like it becomes stale, and you have to see tht person all the time. I've had a few of those in my lifetime. Soem of them I remember quite fondly. It was the feeling that made me feel good and I remember that! Of course nothing compares to the feeling I have now for my Michael!
Yep, Summer will soon be up. Keep on having a good time. And keep on writing about it! Remember I have no life, and I live vicariously through you!LOL!
just john
on Aug 25, 2006
Since you love to hear about how people met...
I was living in South Carolina and my wife of almost ten years now was living in Florida. We both worked for the same company and put in for a transfer to our home town in Louisiana. She couldn't stand me. I was young and dumb but it didn't matter. She was married. That didn't last a couple of more years. He cheated and she kicked him to the curb.
We started out as buddies who went to bars after work. No commitment. We didn't even have to leave with each other. That didn't last too long. Six months later there was talk of marriage.
I think it's cool you think of him as your BF. Ever wonder if he thinks of you more?
on Aug 25, 2006
Everytime I See You Falling
I get down on my nees and pray
awaiting for that final moment you
say the words that I can't say.
on Aug 26, 2006
h what the heck, call him your boyfriend, he's a boy and he's your friend, right?!LOL!
FS..That was my first thought.
The t.v. question is hard. I seem to not watch in the summer but in the winter, there is more to watch and less to do outside.
I go through phases on reading. There is a store right next to my work that has music, books and movies. I always go check out there clearance books. Hmm, it's only $4.99, then on and on and then I have a huge pile. Cha-ching.
I love reading your blogs too, but you already knew that.
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